Detoxification through Liver Protection by miraculous herb Ganoderma
Ganoderma lucidum is able to protect the liver from damage by various physiological and biological factors. Moreover, effect can be obtained either pre-or post-damage. Ganoderma lucidum speeds up metabolism of both medicine and toxic substances in liver, leading to curing of toxicated hepatitis.
Ganoderma lucidum is also suitable for treating chronic hepatitis, effectively eliminating the related symptoms as dizzy, fatigue, and so on. Ganoderma lucidum can be used to treat chronic toxicosis, the various kinds of chronic hepatitis, and other hepatic diseases.
Liver is the largest internal organ and is called the 'Chemical Factory' of the body It is a reddish brown organ, weighing 1.2kg -1.5kg in adults, which lies on the right side of the abdominal cavity beneath the diaphragm.
The cells of the liver are called Hepatocytes, which are surrounded by a thick network of blood vessels called Sinusoids. Babylonians referred to the Liver as the seat of Human Soul, on seeing the rich supply of blood to the liver. There are more than 50,000 lobules in the Liver, which process about 200ml. of blood every rninute. During this process, various nutrients are easily transferred from the porous capillaries to the hepatocytes. Hepatocytes carry out more than 500 biochemical functions required by the body. One of the most important products of the liver, the Bile, is secreted by these hepatocytes and then fed in to the network of bile ducts. Bile plays a crucial role in proper digestion of the food.
Liver functions play a crucial part in the health and strength of the body as a whole. Some of the important functions are as follows:
Elimination of all toxic substances from the blood by detoxification.
Regulation of carbohydrate metabolism. Stores excess dietary sugar forfuture needs.
Regulation of Protein metabolism. Synthesis of plasma proteins, clotting factors, transport proteins.
Regulation of Haemoglobin metabolism.
Regulation of cholesterol metabolism. It converts it to bile acids, which are then either excreted or used in the emulsification and digestion of fats.
Regulation of hormones. Concentration of these hormones depends on the efficiency of the liver.
Storage of various Nutrients, Amino Acids, Glycogen and Vitamins A, D, and B-complex vitamins (including vitamin B12, iron and copper).
Liver plays a significant role in the immune system of the body.
Toxins and Liver
In the liver, there are specialized protector cells called "Kupffer cells', which are located on the membranes of the sinusoids. These cells act as filtration units for the hepato-toxins, which are in systemic circulation, from damaging the liver cells.
These Kupffer cells also help in storage of excess, un-metabolized dietary Iron, which may otherwise damage the liver cells In spite of such protection being available with the liver, it is still under serious threat from the external factors.
Medical orthodoxy, till dale, has not recognized the fact that the average lifestyle, today, imposes a good amount of toxic overload on the Liver Though, the liver has the natural capacity to regenerate, it cannot cope with such an overload of toxins and is therefore forced To suffer silently.
Prolonged toxin overload on the liver reduces a number of liver functions, which incapacitates the body as a whole. The same also leads to malfunctioning of The immune system, resulting in Autoimmune Disorders.
This explains the paradox of how the body's own immune system is fooled into attacking the twelvth body, which it is designated to protect. Hepalo-toxicity is common all over the world and people suffer from a wide range of ailments, which include the following:
Chronic fatigue arid obesity.
Depression, stressand Insomnia.
Auto-immune disorder.
Allergies and sexual dysfunction.
Headaches, Weakness and Irritability.
Hormonal imbalance and Thymus malfunction.
Jaundice, Hepatitis, Liver Cancer and Haemochromatosis.
Liver Cirrhosis
Cirrhosis is the most fatal disease and is the twelvth leading cause of death, killing about 26,000 people every year, around the world In the case of cirrhotic liver, damaged (scar) tissues replace the healthy tissues, resulting in blockage of the normal flow of blood to various liver cells. Once the blood circulation to the liver cells is disrupted, the normal liver functions fail. All other functions of the body, being dependent on the liver, get progressively affected.
Liver Cirrhosis is a major metabolic derangement, which specifically affects the metabolism of ammo acids. Ammonia level in the blood increases due to several enzymatic reactions in the body, during various metabolic processes. Healthy Liver normally converts blood Ammonia into Urea, which prevents excess Ammonia in the blood. But when the Liver is cirrhotic, the Ammonia conversion is affected. This increases the blood Ammonia level beyond tolerable fimits. Ammonia is very toxic to central nervous system and is the major reason for the coma that occurs in patients with liver failure.
Scientifically, the causes for Cirrhosis have been identified to be,
Alcholic Iiver disease.
Chronic Hepatitis C.
Chronic Hepatitis B and D.
Autoimmune Hepatitis.
Inherited diseases like Heamochromatosis, Wilson's disease, Galactosemia, Glycogen storage disease.
Nonalcoholic Stealohepatitis (NASH). This type of hepatitis is associated with diabetes, protein malnutrition, obesity and coronary artery disease.
Blocked bile ducts.
Drugs, toxins and infections.
Many people with cirrhosis have no symptoms in the early stages of the disease. However, as scar tissue replaces healthy cells, liver function starts deteriorating and at this point symptoms surface out. Patient may experience symptoms such as Exhaustion, Fatigue, Weakness, Weight loss; Loss of appetite; Nausea; Abdominal pain and Spider-web like blood vessels (spider angiomas) that develops on the skin surface on the belly area. As the disease progresses, complications may develop.
Complications of Cirrhosis
Loss of liver function affects the body in many ways. Following are the common problems or complications caused by cirrhosis
Oedema and ascites : When the liver loses its ability to make the protein albumin, water accumulates in The legs (oedema) and abdomen (ascites).
Bruising and bleeding : When the liver slows or stops production of the proteins needed for blood clotting, a person will bruise or bleed easily. The palms of the hands may be reddish and blotchy with palmar erythema.
Jaundice : Jaundice is a yellowing of the skin and eyes that occurs when the diseased liver does not absorb enough bilirubin.
Itching : Bile products deposited in the skin may cause intense itching.
Gallstones : If cirrhosis prevents bile from reaching the gallbladder, gallstones rnaydevslop.
Toxins in the blood or brain : A damaged liver cannot remove toxins from the blood, causing them to accumulate in the blood and eventually reach the brain. In the brain. Toxins can dull mental functioning and cause personality changes, coma and even death. Signs of there buildup of toxins in the brain include neglect of personal appearance, unresponsive-ness, forgetful-ness, lack of concentration and/or changes in sleep habits.
Sensitivity to medication : Cirrhosis slows the liver's ability to filter medications from the blood. Because the liver does not remove drugs from the blood at the usual rate, they act longer than expected and build up in the body. This causes a person to be more sensitive to medications and their side effects.
Portal hypertension : Normally blood from The intestines and spleen is carried to the liver Through the portal vein. But cirrhosis slows the normal flow of blood Through the portal vein, which increases the pressure in side it. This condition is called portal hypertension.
Varices : When blood flow through the portal vein slows, blood from the intestines and spleen backs up into blood vessels in the stomach and esophagus. These blood vessels may become enlarged because They are not meant to carry this much blood. The enlarged blood vessels, called varices, have thin walls and carry high pressure and thus are more likely to burst If they do burst, the resull is a serious bleeding problem in the upper stomach or esophagus that requires immediate medical attention.
Insulin resistance and Typo 2 diabetes : Cirrhosis causes resistance to insulin This hormone, produced by the pancreas, enables blood glucose To be used as energy by the cells of the body. If you have insulin resistance, your muscle, fat and liver cells do not use insulin properly The pancreas tries to keep up with the demand for insulin by producing more. Eventually, the pancreas cannot keep up with the body's need for insulin, and type 2 diabetes develops as excess glucose builds up in the blood stream.
Liver cancer : Hepatocellular carcinoma, a type of liver cancer commonly caused by cirrhosis, starts in the liver tissue itself. It has a high mortality rate.
Problems other organs : Cirrhosis can cause immune system dysfunction, leading to frequent infections. Fluid in the abdomen (ascites) may become infected with bacteria normally present in the intestines, Cirrhosis can also lead to impotence, kidney dysfunction and failure and osteoporosis.
Case Study
Fora better understanding of the disease and recovery through the use of DXN products, let us take the case of Mr. G.E.Krishna Kumar (44yrs; Chennai India), hs suffered a Heart attack in June 2000 and then underwent Angiciplasly on 12"' August During the post operative period, he was diagnosed To be suffering from 'Drug induced Hepatic Dysfunction' LIVER CIRRHOSIS. Since Then, he was on various medications, but no improvement was noticed As the last resort. Liver Transplant was advised by the Doctors. Meanwhile, he continued to suffer from various problems such as, Ascites (fluid accumulation in the abdomen ), oedema on the legs non-healing ulcer on the umbilical region, typical Spider-web formation on the abdominal surface,frequent fever and vomiting of blood during June and December 2002. He was totally bed-ridden for more than a year.
February 2003
Started wilh 1 pair of RG/GL capsules, increased to 4 pairs from Ihe third week, for six months RG powder was externally applied onto Ihe UmDifical ulcer. Two Cups of DXN Tea consumed every day. Subsequently, changed over to Lmgzhi 3-in-1 coffee thrice daily. 30ml of Morinzhi juice was taken daily of Morrnzhi juice was taken daily.
May 2003:
Overall health condition improved very well.
No blood vomiting after February 2003.
No frequent attack Of fever or nausean
Good digestion; Good Appetite cycle- Very good bowel habits.
Very good improvement in the bio- chemistry levels Enzyme (SCOT SGPT) levels, Serum Bilirubin, Electrolytes and Proteins
Bilateral pedal (both lens) oedema reduced by 90%
No fluid tapping from his abdomen. The girth reduced from 34" to 31'
Skin condition improved. The hyper pigmentation patches disappeared completely. Spider web formation on The abdomen surface reduced.
Same consumption pattern of DXN products continued further.
Scientific Observations based on practical experience:
At present, there are nut enough medicines available for Liver ailments. Onfy products sourced from plants, like Liv 52, Tefrofi are prescribed. A lot of research work is going on around the world to find suitable medicines for Liver ailments.
Under these circumstances, Ganoderma and Morinzhi have been very helpful in Liver ailments All the Therapeutic elements in them have worked in synergy to improve the health.
Polysaccharides and Trkerpenoids in Ganoderma by activating the natural immune system, help in detoxification of the liver cells, which leads to reduction of toxin over-load on the liver.
Adenosine in Ganoderma improves the blood circulation and vascuiarity This improves the supply of nutrients and oxygen to the cells. It also enhances the distribution of enzymes and hormones To all the cells. Adenosine also improves The fat-metabolism and thereby contributes to liver functions.
Tri-terpenoids in Ganoderma activate various liver cells and also repairs the damaged cells, by providing high nourishment to the cells.
Ganoderic essence in Ganoderma acts as an antioxidanl, by protecting the cell membrane.
Selenium in Monnzhi is an excellent antioxidant It is also an activator of cell nucleus.
Xeronine in Morinzhi improves digestion and absorption of nutrients, specifically proteins, there by helps the liver functions.
Various phytonutrients, like the vitamins, minerals and ammoacids, from Ganoderma and Morinzhi contribute towards liver cell building and metabolism.
There is no side-effect or drug interaction observed. This goes to prove the theory of 'Adaptogen', to which classification Ganoderma belongs.
Conclusion -
Ganoderma and Morinzhi are to be consumed, as a 'Co-active therapy', in addition to the medical treatment, whichever be the line of medicine. Ganoderma and Morinzhi are quite safe lo patients, even on long term consumption and even at higher dosage of consumption. Major organs, like the liver, take a long time to recover due to their bio-complexity. But improvement in quality of life of the patient and protection from further damages may be noticed within a few months. These benefits are rarely noticed in other herbs, which make the Ganoderma and Morinzhi unique.
The above article has been published with (he objective of providing some knowledge to the general reader, on the basic science on Liver and Liver-diseases along with DXN products, based on practical experience. We thank Dr. Lim Siow Jin (Researcher. Founder & CEO of DXN) for the guidance and encouragement for learning this healing science intensively for the last five years. We also thank our friends and senior Medical Consultants in DXN network for their valuable inputs for our learning. With all humility, we continue this pursuit. We welcome comments and queries from the Readers, to help.this learning process.
About the Authors...
Dr. Malathy Ramani (MB BS , FCIP, Dip. Gyn. & Obs. )
Medical Consultant Family Physician and Gynaecologist Private Practitioner for the past 20 years in Chennal Introduced to DXN products in 2000.
Double Diamond in DXNMs. Suchitra Ramani ( B.Sc, Biochemistry ; Pursuing PG in Bio-Informatics)
Star Pearl in DXN Network. Actively associated with network education on Health. | <><> <>

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